
An innovative technology for condensate bank recovery and inhibition.



Formation of liquid banks around production wells is a natural and well-known issue in gas condensate reservoirs. It happens once the BHFP drops below the dew point, impacting gas deliverability. This issue can spread to the whole reservoir should the overall pressure arrive below the dew point when the system is exploited under natural depletion, or the gas injection is insufficient.


GaStim®Cond is a new technology for condensate remobilization based on the injection of a proprietary GaStimTech® formulation that is injected along with the base gas. This technology is more effective for condensate remobilization than the more conventional liquid-based stimulation treatments because it can penetrate much deeper into the reservoir and make better use of the diffusion mechanisms, without inducing liquid blockage inherent to conventional applications.


GaStim®Cond effectiveness to improve displacement efficiency and liquid condensate recovery has been demonstrated by extensive laboratory tests, and several field deployments in low porosity matrix and natural fractures-dominated reservoirs.


GaStim®Cond Lab Results

GaStim®Cond Field Application

GaStim®Cond interacts with the precipitated condensate, increasing the mobility of both the gas and the condensate phases.

GaStim®Cond promotes higher condensate banking vaporization and liquid displacement efficiencies, enhancing the hydrocarbon relative permeabilities and final liquid recoveries.

GaStim®Cond is deployed deep into the reservoir giving sufficient time for it to diffuse and interact with the precipitated condensate.

Technology Support

Coreflooding Evaluation

GaStimulation Design

Chemicals Development

On-Site Support

Post Treatment Monitoring



General Terms

Engineering support during FEL, software licensing and gas IOR/EOR consulting.


Gas source and auxiliary hardware for GaStim® operation can be fully or partially provided by GaStimTech® upon client’s request.


GaStim Technologies reserves its rights to license the GaStimulation technique to third parties.